Shipping Policy

1. Free International Shipping

We are proud to offer free international shipping to our customers!

2. Shipping to Over 200 Countries

We provide international shipping services to over 200 countries. However, there are certain locations we are unable to ship to. If you are from one of these locations, we will contact you to discuss alternatives.

3. Lost or Missing Packages

GET FUN SHOP is not responsible for packages lost or missing due to incorrect addresses provided during checkout. Please ensure that your billing and shipping information is accurate before completing your order. If we make an error in processing your order, we will take full responsibility and provide a replacement at no charge to you.

4. Customs Fees

We are not responsible for any customs fees that may apply once your items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you agree that one or more packages may be shipped to you and that customs fees may be incurred when they arrive in your country.

5. Shipping Time

The average shipping time for our products is 8-14 days.

6. Tracking Information

You will receive an email with a tracking number once your order has shipped. Please note that due to the nature of free shipping, tracking may not always be available.

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